Our program is a game-changer for employers who seek control, flexibility, and cost savings.

Shield w Dollars Sign & medical symbols. Doctor behind it with money on desk.
Men and women in an office with a large window behind them. They are wearing suits and business dress, two people are shaking hands center frame.

Carrier coverage is straightforward. You pay your monthly premiums, they pay claims according to their terms.

But that convenience comes at a cost. You have little insight into where your money is being spent and virtually no negotiating power at renewal.


Take Charge by using funds they normally pay in premiums to directly cover employee claims.

Manage Risk of large claims with inexpensive stop-loss (also called reinsurance).

Manage Costs using our proprietary cost management strategies to get ahead of claims before they happen.

Learn from Total Data Transparency to modify their plans, improve employee outreach, and develop incentives to lower costs.

Trust Us to rent a good carrier network, administer claims, customer service, and legal filings, and to incentivize employees toward cost-saving alternatives.


Dental & Vision: Employers of any size.

Employers with 25+ enrolled employees are welcome.

Those with 100+ enrolled employees will experience the highest savings.

The ideal employer is committed to employee education and will have a healthy 3-year financial outlook. We do not require financials.

Short Term Disability:
300+ employees


Yes! Level-Funding is the perfect combination of the stability of monthly premiums with the control and cost-savings of self-insurance. You’ll learn more in our initial consultation.

Custom Fee Schedule: Hospitals and facilities across California will lower claims by as much as 68% over your rented carrier network. You read that right…68%. You can lower employee cost-sharing as an incentive to use these providers. The network will be fully integrated with your plans with unified claims processing.

Carveouts: We’ve identified the main drivers of healthcare costs, like specialty Rx, and carved them out for cost-saving alternatives.

Targeted Intervention: We prevent high-cost claims through proactive employee outreach. Especially for employees with chronic diseases, long-term medical challenges, and surgical needs.

Data-based Review & Strategic Plan Design: Our tailored plans align with your organization’s unique needs. We optimize coverage while minimizing unnecessary costs. Data transparency leads to smarter decisions.